Monday, June 30, 2008

Seven Songs

Tagged by cuileann.

List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they’re not any good, but they must be songs you’re really enjoying now, shaping your summer. Post these instructions in your blog along with your 7 songs. Then tag 7 other people to see what they’re listening to.

(Look! Instead of a daily song... seven! Ha, to make up for the week I missed... >.> Blog post to follow the list of music-magic.)

1. "Save" - The Rocket Summer

2. "Porch Songs" - Chris Pureka

3. "The Gladdest Thing" - Deb Talan (no youtube link! o.o Drop me a comment if you want to give the song a listen, it's great.)

4. "Goodnight And Go" - Imogen Heap

5. "Deathbed" - Relient K

6. Hoppipolla - Sigur Ros (the band is from Iceland, hence the lyrics not being in English. But the song title means "hopping into puddles". :])

7. Back In Your Head - Tegan and Sara

Enjoy! Oh, and Angie and Patrice, now its your turn!


Okay, actual blog-post time.

I'm really missing home. It's ridiculous. It doesn't even make sense because I'm traveling with my family. It's a little better this week now that we're staying in a house (my "uncle and aunt's" ...we're Filipino, it's a long story, hence the quote marks.) and we're back in the US. I'm not sure what it was about Vancouver, but I didn't really like it all that much. Maybe because we were staying in a sketchy hotel (called the Cassandra Hotel, if you can believe it. Honestly, you would think it would be cooler... o.~), I dunno. But I'm glad to be a little closer to home now. I'm also missing the ship, too, and all my cruise peeps. We're all trying to find each other on Facebook, though, so that's always fun. =)

Not quite sure what we're going to be doing tomorrow; we're about an hour or so out of Seattle. Hopefully we're just going to sleep in or something.

Anyway, until tomorrow then. Night! =D


Sunday, June 29, 2008

I want...

...To go home. Really, really badly. I swear, I've never been this homesick in my whole effing life. Scratch that: I've never been homesick. Ever. Gah, wtf... I hate traveling in a huge group like this. >.<


Saturday, June 28, 2008


My hundreth post! Impossible! o.o The song is by The Fray.

I'm in Vancouver right now, and currently operating on 4 hours of sleep because of last night. Oh, last night... I didn't really think I got particularly close to anyone over the past week on the cruise, but I'm missing my group. A lot. And I'm also missing home even more. It sucks, being in this massive hole of missing people. Argh. Well, thank the gods for Facebook, right?

Jessica is currently breathing down my neck ("Am not! I'm breathing on your arm.") to get online as well, so I think I'll go. I need to shower and get ready for bed, anyway. No picture today, either, I haven't gotten around to emptying my camera's memory card in a while. Don't worry, a full load of pictures from Alaska, Vancouver, and ultimately Seattle (and Forks of Twilight fame! EEE!) shall find their way on here via Photobucket link once I get home.

Adios for now, amigos. =)


Saturday, June 21, 2008


The song is one of my favorites by Vanessa Carlton.

We went to Denali National Park yesterday; on the way back to the hotel, I saw this picture in real life. =D There was actually a full one in the sky, the bright one on the left; I'll try and manipulate the two pictures I took of it (it was way too big to fit in the frame) and see if I can't make it into one big picture later.

I thought Denali was a disappointment. We left the hotel too late, and once we got there we didn't even walk around and see anything aside from the Visitor's Center. It wasn't very fun. We didn't see any animals, either.

Oh well. Just means I have to go back sometime, heh.

We head off to the ship for our week-long cruise later this morning. But first, we're going to this place in Anchorage called Earthquake Park to try and see some Beluga Whales. I hope we actually see some, the little buggers are so cute.

Anyway, I should probably head off now, I still need to stuff a few things into my suitcase before we leave. This shall be the last post until next week, unless I find a way to hack into some free internet somehow.

Hope you enjoyed the picture, and also this upcoming week! =D


Friday, June 20, 2008

Daylight Robbery

Good morning!

No link, the user removed all the vids! o.o But it's more Imogen Heap, mwehehehe.

I'm in Alaska, and it's absolutely amazing here! I'm having difficulty just finding one outstanding picture from yesterday to post in this entry, so maybe I'll have to settle for two. Or three.

Anyway, the reason I picked the song I did (other than it being by Imogen Heap, and thus awesome and addicting) is because of the strange sun cycles up here. It's like Alaska stole all the sunlight from everywhere else and kept it burning. Seriously, I've been up past midnight both nights so far, and I have yet to see the stars. And it's not just because of the cloud-cover, either.

We were flying here from Seattle (we left at 9 and the sun was just setting! Crazy.) and it was the trippiest thing ever, because it never got dark. It was like we were chasing daylight. We landed around 11:30, and there was still no sign of the sun leaving, even though the clouds did diminish the light. I don't even know if it got dark at all.

Yesterday we did some sight-seeing, and drove roughly 3 hours from where we're staying in Anchorage to Kenai Fjords National Park. We hung around Seward for a bit, and then we drove to see a glacier! The hike to get there wasn't so bad, but it did take a long time because my grandparents are with us and we had to help them along.

There it is. The picture doesn't really show much of the pretty blue, but you can see tinges of it there around the holes and cracks in the middle.

It's so beautiful and green here; such a change for me, Southern Californian that I am, hahaha!

Oh! And we saw a moose as we were driving back to the hotel last night! I took a few pictures, but the uploader on this thing is so annoying and screws up my format, so I'll just include it en masse when I put them up on Photobucket for you guys to take a look at within the next few weeks. =D

Enjoy your day!


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Last Post to be Made in California for the Next 2 Weeks!

No song, I'm too tired to think of a good one. Go listen to something by The Beatles or Switchfoot. =)

I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon! So psyched. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures and get them up online as soon as possible, if you're interested in seeing them. (I'm taking lappy with me; I think I'd probably die without it. >.>) Maybe I'll even pick one outstanding one each day and post it with my blog post, which I'm hoping to keep regularly (except for the week I'm actually going to be on the ship, since they apparently charge internet by the minute. Yikes.)

Anyway, I'm out. Peace!


Monday, June 16, 2008

The Mirror-Blue Night

No link, I couldn't find a good one on Youtube. But the song is from "Spring Awakening", which is officially one of my favorite musicals ever now. Thanks to Matt. ^_^

I've come to another realization today: I am a hand-bag fiend. So much so, that I actually bought one today.... from Wal-Mart. I hate Wal-Mart.

Just goes to show you...

I think two words to aptly describe today would be 'stressful' and 'nostalgic'. Well, there was some reprieve in the afternoon, when Maya came to pick me up and we were supposed to watch Prince Caspian, but missed it because of traffic on the freeway; so we just hung around the plaza instead. But yes... first stress, then nostalgia. Stress, because of packing and all that; nostalgia because... well, you know.

It's just frustrating. To add to that, I... think I'm developing feelings for someone new. But that in itself is even more frustrating, for various reasons.

*sigh* I hope this vacation is at least a little restful. With my luck, though, I'm beginning to highly doubt it....


Sunday, June 15, 2008

All of Me

Song written and performed (flawlessly....) by Jon Schmidt, a genius on piano. Seriously, watch the man play. It's amazing. It's the first song on the video clip, but you should listen to the rest, because it's pretty. =)


I think I've come to something of a realization.

I don't let people see who I am most of the time. Or, at least, pick and choose aspects of my personality.

It's weird, because I think I know someone really well, then I do something, and they end up being surprised. Like, I was hanging out with Darah and Teresa last night along with Morgan. I haven't seen them in ages, and I was definitely looking forward to it, most definitely. We went out to dinner and watched a movie ("Kung Fu Panda", what a strange but cute and rather good film). Anyway, so after the movie we were walking to the parking lot and I cracked a 'that's what she said' joke. It was honestly one of the best moments to say that phrase I've heard in a long time. They laughed, but then Darah and Teresa are acting all surprised, like it was the last thing I'd ever do in my life. Morgan quickly contradicted this view, however; she's heard me say it more, heheh. I mean, it was fun, don't get me wrong, but this one tiny (hilarious) incident got me thinking.

Compounded with that, Jessica was babysitting the cute little boy from church I go on about all the time on Friday night, and one of the first things she told me when she got home: "Britany (the mom, who's only in her early 20s) wants to hook you up with someone."

"...........What? Why?"

"I dunno, she just likes to do that sort of thing. We were talking; she says you're too quiet, that you never talk."

"...I talk to her all the time."

"She said, 'I mean, you're supposed to be quiet in church, but seriously.'"

"....And what does hooking me up with someone have to do with anything?"

"I dunno. And I told her that people called you the gutter. Haha, that you recently got upgraded to 'the sewer', too. She didn't believe me."

I mean, I don't know Britany as well as I'd like, but I can't help but see a trend here: people tend to think I'm somewhat of a quiet, unprepossessing good-girl sort of person. At least, that's what I get from all this. I mean, even when I'm talking to Matt about things, he tries to avoid telling me something potentially graphic, even though I ask. Honestly? I may be innocent, but not that innocent. I want to see them take a tour of my mind sometime; they wouldn't believe it. Even just reading some of my writing, sheesh...

I don't know. Most of it is probably my own doing, this persona that most people see. It's annoying, though. And I'm not quite sure how to get rid of it without doing something stupid and potentially endangering to my good repute. We'll see, though.

Anyway, thanks for listening to me rant. It must get cumbersome and tedious.


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Pangea ("We used to be together, why'd we have to drift apart?")

Ahh. That's better. I couldn't really take the new format, pretty as it was. Maybe some other time I'll try again. I found a few others that I really liked...

Today's song: "Pangea" by Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin. Watch the video, too, I really like how they put it together. Plus, the dinosaurs make my life. =D

So, I'm all packed... well, as much as I can be, anyway. I still need to pack a few assorted items and last minute things like my toothbrush and shampoo and other such goodies. I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to fit everything in, but that's another story. ^^

Not much else to write about, other than I was experimenting with my new camera, which I still need a name for. I name inanimate objects, you see. For example, my film camera's name is Louis, my iPod's name is Shelby, and my laptop's name is Peanut.

...What? I'm not insane...much....

Heheh. Anyway, enjoy your day. =)


Friday, June 13, 2008

Title. I'm so creative, look at that, it's like the least expected thing ever.

No song today. I'm having a brain fart.

As you can see, I'm trying out a new background and format for this thing. So..... yea, or nay? I might get tired of it and change it back to how it was, anyway. ^_^

Big news! I scraped together the last of my grad funds to buy myself a new digital camera! Very psyched. I can't wait to take beautiful pictures with it. =D

Not much else to talk about... very uneventful Friday the 13th, as far as creepy things go. Oh! I wrote a poem on Tuesday, but never posted it... I don't know what it's about, I just had the word 'drenched' stuck in my head for some reason... Anyway, enjoy. Hopefully? Feedback is always appreciated.

And the night cries out
With curling fingers, pulsating
Lies that seethe and bubble in
Their sensual manner, tricking,
Seducing weary passers-by.
And it is here I find solace,
In the dark and the quiet,
The scurrying damp that
Penetrates even the most
Resilient of defenses, mine.
And I don’t know what to
Make of it, the wet silence
That oozes forth, making
Life hell and death
That much more bearable.
And the moisture soothes
My soul, placates the mind,
The all-consuming senses,
Keeping the demons
At bay, if only for now.
And I’m yours.


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Clear the Area

More Imogen Heap, because I am seriously addicted to that album. I don't want to know how many times I've listened to it since Tuesday. Also, this user on the youtube vid has the rest of the album uploaded in the same format, so go check it out, yo!

I was going to write yesterday, but Morgan and Kenny and Athan, a few friends of hers that I know, came and "kidnapped" me last night and we went to this place known as 'the Ghost of Cypress Creek'. Long story short, this creek had to be diverted when people were developing the area, so they stuck it in a tunnel underground. It was insane! We could hear the traffic rolling over the manholes on the street above us, and the reverb in there was incredible. We also sat down at one point and turned off our flashlights--pitch darkness. I want to go there again. :D

After that, we went over to our friend David's house and listened to a Sufjan Stevens album he had managed to get on vinyl. It was really amusing, because he was all excited about such old technology. Not that I'm dissing vinyl or anything, I thought it was pretty cool, too. Just not as much as David, haha.

All in all, I got back home around two in the morning, and my computer was off, so, no entry. What I was going to write about got expelled from my head, anyway, and for that I'm very glad.

You see, I think I'm having an emotional relapse. Yesterday was especially bad, I just couldn't help myself when I was thinking about him. *sigh* It's difficult to explain. I just... don't want it to be there anymore. I know it'll take time, but I think this past week (well, after last Thursday, anyway) has been a bit deceiving. I'm just glad Morgan decided to take me along on their adventure yesterday; wallowing in self-pity as I most surely would have been doesn't sound appealing at all.

Hopefully things will get better--I leave for Alaska next Wednesday! Woo! I've already started packing, hehe. I'm paranoid I'll end up over-packing, considering the state of the section of my closet that I've designated as cruise-worthy. ^_^

I think that's about it for now... oh! Congrats to the Class of '08! :D Graduation was today, at least in the local district. It's weird to think of so many friends (and certain others, ahem) all graduated now.

Anyway... have a great Friday the 13th tomorrow! I want to have a creepy adventure, but I'm not sure how that is going to work out. I think the most exciting thing that's going to happen is camera shopping, haha. Speaking of which... pics (all 6 of them, woo) from the Bro-Am can be viewed here. Enjoy. =)


Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Not much of an entry today. I was going to wax lyrical about what dreams are and how they don't really seem to exist much anymore, but now I'm not really in the mood. Listen to the song, though. We all need more Imogen Heap in our lives. Seriously, I got the album this afternoon, and I've already listened to it 4 times. Musical drugs.



Monday, June 9, 2008

Double post, but I just realized...

That it's been a year since Prom today.

Sure, there are plenty of things I could have done differently, plenty of things I would want to change if I were able to--but in my mind, no matter all the drama that was or wasn't my fault, I'll still remember it as a great time. Frustrating, yes. Awkward, definitely. But still great.

And you know what? I think I'm good with it.



Take a Picture

Because the day is beautiful. The song is by Filter. Sorry about the crappy sound quality, and you can ignore the vid, but this is one of the only ones that had the full song; not even the official video had the entire thing. *shrugs*

Speaking of pictures, haven't uploaded them off the camera yet. I'm not even sure it will work, considering the sorry sandy state it has found itself in after the beach. We'll see.

Also, I was consumed with reading Matt's Harry Potter fic that he's been trying to get me to finish for almost a year now, "Cedric Diggory and the Goblet of Fire", and I was a bit too lazy and engrossed to stop reading and find the camera. As the name implies, it's the fourth book, but in Cedric's perspective. It's quite lengthy, even got me to cry for a bit--and I almost never cry when reading things. If you have time and are into this sort of thing, I highly suggest checking it out. His writing is great, and the rendering of the characters is actually quite realistic. It's also canon, so it follows the book and doesn't step out of bounds by throwing alternate universe elements in! Which I love.

...You can tell I spend too much time reading fanfiction, can't you?

In other news, my sunburn doesn't hurt as much today. ^^ Thanks for all your comments of concern. =)

I guess there's nothing much else to talk about right now, so I'll leave it here. Have a great day tomorrow! I know I'll be trying.


Sunday, June 8, 2008

So. Effing. Sunburnt.

Pain radiating from my head to toes. Well, maybe not so drastic. But definitely my head. And my face. And my shoulders. And my back. x_x

I don't really have a song for today, it's kind of disappointing. I do, however, want to share this amusing link. To be completely honest with you... I kind of want one of those...

There's...nothing else to talk about. Gah, how anti-climactic. The rest of the weekend was great, though. =)

Enjoy your Monday! As much as Mondays can be enjoyed, at any rate.


Saturday, June 7, 2008

This is Home


Yes. It was glorious. Today was glorious. I'm sooooo sunburnt, but it's mostly from yesterday. The concert was great. The beach was great. The surf contest was great. The people were great. The only thing that wasn't so great was the fact that I think the camera broke from its encounter with the sand... this picture I stole from Maya, since hers didn't break and she put pictures up on Facebook already. I'll have the link to the 5 or so pics I had before it started freaking out on me tomorrow or Monday. =)

Hope your day was as exciting as mine!


Friday, June 6, 2008


In honor of Switchfoot Friday (every first friday of the month), today's song is "Awakening" off their most recent release, "Oh! Gravity." I'm so excited I get to see them tomorrow at the Bro-Am!!

I also think the song is appropriate for a number of other reasons. It kind of feels like I'm waking up. It's quite lovely and liberating. Plus, the lyrics are just awesome. =)

Today was fun. I hung out with Maya, and we checked out her new apartment in La Jolla that she'll be living in over the summer (swank-town! I'm so jealous.), then we went to the beach and walked around and talked, during which I acquired yet another sunburn. After that, we walked around downtown La Jolla while waiting for a call from her friend, Jen, who we were going to meet up with at UCSD, where we spent some time just wandering and ate dinner. We rounded it all off with some wanderings about UTC mall with some of Jen's friends.

I notice a trend here. We tend to wander around a lot... ^_^

I'm pretty worn out with all this wandering, so I might turn in early and save all my energy for tomorrow. Free concert at the beach! Surfers! Food! Friends! Fun! ...Did I mention surfers? ;P

Til tomorrow, then.


Thursday, June 5, 2008

Davy Jones

To 'Davy-Jones': verb. To violently rip or cut one's heart out to avoid feeling terribly strong emotions. example:

Davy-Jones me.

Morgan (10:58:31 PM): what's with your little davy-jones thing?
Cassandra (10:58:49 PM): oh, I should change it
Morgan (11:04:28 PM): why was that there?
Cassandra (11:05:17 PM): passing mood

And that's all I have to say about that anymore. I feel better today. =)

Of course, no rain, totally clear skies just like Tuesday. Sign? I'll choose to interpret it as one. How, I haven't decided quite yet.


Breathe (2 AM)

More two in the morning.

I never said goodbye to him. That's the crux of it, I think. I walked away, and he disappeared, and I never said goodbye, or good luck, or have a nice life, or anything.

No. Fucking. Closure.

Of course, I had built it up in my head. I knew I was going to be disappointed. But once there, I was skittish, and avoided him at first. Once he finally came up to me, I wanted to hug him, but hesitated. I don't even know why.

I don't even remember what we talked about.

Goddammit. Why am I such a failure?

I emailed him when I got home, asked if he was going to the band concert tomorrow--or, I guess it would be later today. Redemption? Perhaps. Though ten bucks and my soul says he doesn't come.

I don't even know what I want. Well, I do, but it's not like that is happening. Closure would be nice. One last hug would be even better, even though it will probably do a number on me again. And things playing out like they do in my head? Million-dollar prize package. Though of course they won't. It's nice to dream, though.


Again, I'm wanting that off-switch really really badly.

I should probably get to bed, now that everyone else I've been talking to on instant messenger has. At least it's a little better now; I felt sick an hour ago.

And you know what? I guess I could blame it all on him, or circumstance, or bad luck, or the craptastic rain we had today (in JUNE. What the fuck?), or anything else, but I'm not.

I'm blaming it on me.

And, as terrible as this might seem, it's nice to have some control over it for once.


Breathe Me

...Because I know I'm still having trouble breathing. The song is by Sia.

And now, some poetry.

Play the soundtrack
To my broken heart.
Not because I am
Unable, no, because
I want you to.
It’s fitting, you see.
And I long so much
To take you, to make
The music stop and
Start, a new song
Swelling to a deep
Crescendo from within
My heart, the
Sweetest music ever
Heard. And I long so much
To hear your music, the
Answering chords plucked
And picked in your soul,
To pretend I am the only
One to ever hear such
Melody, such harmony,
And revel in the thought.
But I’ll never hear it, and
Neither shall you, not with
Things as they are, such
Distance separating us,
Emotionally, physically.
I wish it weren’t so.
And it’s all my fault.
So go on, play your music,
I’ll stand watching, waiting,
Always waiting, playing the
Soundtrack to my
Broken heart.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

This Week is One of the Longest of My Life

...But this song is beautiful. It's called "Battlestar Sonatica", from the newest version of the TV show, Battlestar Galactica. I don't watch the show, but Matt gave me a few of the songs from the soundtracks of the various seasons to listen to, and this has to be one of my ultimate favorites. It's such a peaceful, beautiful piano solo; I de-stress and fall asleep to this one a lot. I want to find sheet music for it, mmm.

I have no idea why this week is going so slowly. It could be because I've been anticipating tomorrow for a long time now; I'm also hanging out with Maya on Friday, and the Switchfoot Bro-Am is on Saturday. Lots to anticipate/look forward to. It's driving me crazy. Hence the de-stressing music. That, and I've been a lot more agitated and annoyed lately, it's getting to be a chore. -_-

As the clock ticks nearer to Wednesday, the more apprehension I feel. I actually feel physically sick, thinking about it right now. Music or no music.

I don't even really know what I'm expecting. I don't really know what will happen, or how I will feel about anything. It's so unpredictable, and I hate it. I wish it were over already, good god. This speculation and hype and the various scenarios playing out in my head are murdering me. I'm afraid of building it up in my head, only to be sadly disappointed. Scratch that. I already know I'll be disappointed, but I hate the part of me that begs to differ. I want it to shut up, but it won't. I haven't even decided if I'm going to talk to him at all, or what I'm going to say. And then what if I've decided, but it doesn't happen? This is quite possibly the last time, ever. A part of me is incredibly relieved about that, believe me. The other part? Not so much.

I wrote a poem last night. It was really intense, and I don't think I'll ever let anyone read it, if they know who I am. Maybe anonymously, but it makes me blush a little, just thinking about it. Perhaps if you ask me really nicely or pester me til I give in. Yeah. Maybe. I just don't want to be judged, you know? The human experience is everything, including not-so-nice thoughts, the thoughts you're expected to keep to yourself. Which opens it up for me to talk about the other thing I mentioned a few posts back, but I'm going to shy away from that right now. One hurdle at a time, I think. I can only take so much.

Sorry if that was incredibly vague or confusing. I just really needed to get all that out.

Moving on to another topic, I have new pictures. Jessica tried on this black dress she's probably going to wear tomorrow, and she joked about taking pictures, so this impromptu photoshoot commenced in our front yard. All twenty or so pictures can be viewed here, should you like to look at them.

Anyway, that's about it for now. Have a good day tomorrow. I know I'll be trying.


Monday, June 2, 2008

Chasing Cars

Okay, so the song is overplayed, some would say cheesy. I still love it, though.

I met Alicia today! In person, anyway, haha. It was cool, kind of awkward, but that's how this sort of thing goes, the first time you meet someone. I guess it was kind of nice that we had talked so much online before, because I have a sense of actually knowing her, despite never meeting her in person before today. I had to bike to the local Denny's, so it was nice to get out and get some exercise and fresh air before eating yummy French Toast, mmm. Yeah, we arranged to have "lunch" together, though we both ended up ordering breakfast food, hehehe. I love doing that.

Nothing really much else to talk about... today is Monday. There's about, oh... a little over 49 hours left til the concert? Still don't know how I feel about it, though I'm suffering some anxiety over what to wear, hahaha. I also had a dream last night, but I don't really remember much of it, which I suppose is a good thing. It was probably really weird, anyway. ^^

Edit, 8:27 pm: Oh, I forgot I was supposed to wall-of-text today... whoops. Later, I promise. Also, Angie, yay for long comments! And yes... they'd have to go through Bethany... ^_^ And all the rest of you lovelies. <3


Sunday, June 1, 2008

I'm Yours

Thank you, Angie. <3 Today's song: "I'm Yours", by Jason Mraz. It's just a fun, sunny song, I find it appropriate for summer. I have a feeling the entry today will be, as Monty says, a "wall o' text"; I've got a lot to talk about that just happened to converge in my head today.

"Cassandra doesn't like the word 'submit'!" teases Meredith, my friend and Sunday school instructor. And she's right; I don't. We've been studying current issues for the past couple of months or so, and the last few weeks have been marriage. Sure, I want to get married at some point. Straightforward, right? Apparently not. Anyway, this week the issue of 'wives, submit to your husbands' cropped up in discussion. I got asked what this meant. I was silent for a while, chewing it over in my head, every part of me not liking what I was hearing. At all. Finally, all I can say is, "I don't like the word submit." Seriously, though, who does? The connotations are so negative. Aren't they? Of course, it might be the budding feminist in me protesting loudly, but, aren't they?

Let's get some help from our friends over at, shall we?

transitive verb
1 a: to yield to governance or authority b: to subject to a condition, treatment, or operation
2: to present or propose to another for review, consideration, or decision ; also : to deliver formally
3: to put forward as an opinion or contention

intransitive verb
1 a: to yield oneself to the authority or will of another : surrender b: to permit oneself to be subjected to something
2: to defer to or consent to abide by the opinion or authority of another

I want to call attention to the last section. "To yield oneself"? "To permit oneself to be subjected to something"? "To abide by the opinion of another"?

I don't think so.

Who cares if I am married to him? He has no right to ask this of me. Of course, I would defer to him on some things, as he should defer to me on others. I don't think there should be a dominant partner. It's degrading, both to him and to me. As "Corpse Bride" puts it (god, I love that movie): "Marriage is a partnership, a little tit for tat."

So there. Frak submit. I'm my own person, and so is he, whoever he might happen to be. And just because we are individuals with our own views and preferences and ideas doesn't mean we need to morph into one robot-crazy once we get married. Creepy.

There was something else I wanted to talk about, too, it's been bugging me for a few months now, but I don't really feel exactly comfortable being frank about it, and I'm a little too distracted now to think about how to word it ambiguously, so I think I'll let you go. I'll save the other half of the wall of text for next time.

Oh! I almost forgot: pictures from yesterday here. Also? I get to meet one of my online buddies, Alicia, tomorrow for lunch! Yay! I'm excited. I might have pictures, we shall see. ^_^

Enjoy your day, dear reader. <3



As you can see, I am now converting the title of my blog posts to youtube links to songs that I think are appropriate. Today's is "Wonderwall", by Oasis. I LOVE this song. It's fun to drive to, and play on Rock Band, not to mention just angst and remember to. A great over-all song, multipurposeful. Hehe. Give it a listen.

Today was busy. I went to a brunch with some people from church, that was fun. Then it was straight to San Ysidro for darling Arianna's 2nd birthday party. I swear, I love that kid, she is such a doll. Pictures up soon, I'm too lazy to get up and upload the pictures from the camera.

I've decided that I like driving on the freeway at night. It's unnerving, but kind of in a good way. I did it for the first time all the way from San Ysidro to Poway, it was intense. Apparently I cut some people off (whoops....), but aside from that it was without much incident.

Also? Rock Band is so much fun! I tried everything but singing today at Arianna's party (I don't like kareoke, and that's pretty much what it is, glorified). I have so much respect for drummers now, holy crap, my arms hurt after playing a song through. Guitar was fun, basically like Guitar Hero... I should also mention I pretty much rock at bass. Oh, irony, how you enjoy making me miserable.

Eh, it's not so bad. I'll get over it. Before this wednesday's orch concert? Not likely, but after that it's all done. I'm not quite sure how I feel about it, though. Come back to me on that one.

If you haven't already, listen to that song. Listen to the lyrics. Let them resonate.

...I think I've done that too much.


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