Monday, June 9, 2008

Double post, but I just realized...

That it's been a year since Prom today.

Sure, there are plenty of things I could have done differently, plenty of things I would want to change if I were able to--but in my mind, no matter all the drama that was or wasn't my fault, I'll still remember it as a great time. Frustrating, yes. Awkward, definitely. But still great.

And you know what? I think I'm good with it.



Anonymous,  June 10, 2008 at 6:37 PM  

wow, has it really been a year since all that drama? o.o how time flies....

yay closure!~ ;D

omg....kind of weird, he saw me after school going over to the senior lot, and I saw one of those Smart Cars and was like "OMGLOOK!" and he was like "huh...?" and I was like "*points* the one you are capable of crushing"

>.> I just walked Cookie while listening to music that was rather on the loud side, so my brain's least, I hope that's the reason... o.o

luv! see you.....Monday?

Cassandra June 13, 2008 at 11:56 AM  

xD "the one you are capable of crushing." That just made my life.

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