Saturday, June 21, 2008


The song is one of my favorites by Vanessa Carlton.

We went to Denali National Park yesterday; on the way back to the hotel, I saw this picture in real life. =D There was actually a full one in the sky, the bright one on the left; I'll try and manipulate the two pictures I took of it (it was way too big to fit in the frame) and see if I can't make it into one big picture later.

I thought Denali was a disappointment. We left the hotel too late, and once we got there we didn't even walk around and see anything aside from the Visitor's Center. It wasn't very fun. We didn't see any animals, either.

Oh well. Just means I have to go back sometime, heh.

We head off to the ship for our week-long cruise later this morning. But first, we're going to this place in Anchorage called Earthquake Park to try and see some Beluga Whales. I hope we actually see some, the little buggers are so cute.

Anyway, I should probably head off now, I still need to stuff a few things into my suitcase before we leave. This shall be the last post until next week, unless I find a way to hack into some free internet somehow.

Hope you enjoyed the picture, and also this upcoming week! =D


Holly June 23, 2008 at 9:35 PM  

Beluga whales! Aw, lucky!

And that picture is beautiful! I can't imagine what it was like in real life.

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