Sunday, June 1, 2008


As you can see, I am now converting the title of my blog posts to youtube links to songs that I think are appropriate. Today's is "Wonderwall", by Oasis. I LOVE this song. It's fun to drive to, and play on Rock Band, not to mention just angst and remember to. A great over-all song, multipurposeful. Hehe. Give it a listen.

Today was busy. I went to a brunch with some people from church, that was fun. Then it was straight to San Ysidro for darling Arianna's 2nd birthday party. I swear, I love that kid, she is such a doll. Pictures up soon, I'm too lazy to get up and upload the pictures from the camera.

I've decided that I like driving on the freeway at night. It's unnerving, but kind of in a good way. I did it for the first time all the way from San Ysidro to Poway, it was intense. Apparently I cut some people off (whoops....), but aside from that it was without much incident.

Also? Rock Band is so much fun! I tried everything but singing today at Arianna's party (I don't like kareoke, and that's pretty much what it is, glorified). I have so much respect for drummers now, holy crap, my arms hurt after playing a song through. Guitar was fun, basically like Guitar Hero... I should also mention I pretty much rock at bass. Oh, irony, how you enjoy making me miserable.

Eh, it's not so bad. I'll get over it. Before this wednesday's orch concert? Not likely, but after that it's all done. I'm not quite sure how I feel about it, though. Come back to me on that one.

If you haven't already, listen to that song. Listen to the lyrics. Let them resonate.

...I think I've done that too much.


Zatarra June 1, 2008 at 11:46 AM  

:O cool song! *is going to download when done here*

Rock Band is pretty cool. xD I found I had no coordination or timing for the guitar, despite my DDR background, and I think I prefer the real instrument...if you make a mistake, you still get some sort of sound and a machine isn't going "EPIC FAIL!" to your face.... >.>

lol! But he doesn't play electric bass. And electric bassists are the cool ones. (**is an electric bassist**) the real thing's so much fun too, especially if you have a distortion pedal... xD

Don't listen to the song too much, though, you'll Clockwork Orange yourself like Ems did. Now she can't listen to whatever song she played anymore without feeling the same way she did before....not exactly a good thing. ^^"

I'm here, dearie, if you need to talk. Just keep reminding yourself there are much, much...much better fish in the sea....yeah, I know, cliched, but it's true. You know it.


Big MT June 4, 2008 at 5:14 PM  

you friends wrote a parody to Wonderwall...guess what the title is. "Monty Hall". brilliant, huh?

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