Friday, June 13, 2008

Title. I'm so creative, look at that, it's like the least expected thing ever.

No song today. I'm having a brain fart.

As you can see, I'm trying out a new background and format for this thing. So..... yea, or nay? I might get tired of it and change it back to how it was, anyway. ^_^

Big news! I scraped together the last of my grad funds to buy myself a new digital camera! Very psyched. I can't wait to take beautiful pictures with it. =D

Not much else to talk about... very uneventful Friday the 13th, as far as creepy things go. Oh! I wrote a poem on Tuesday, but never posted it... I don't know what it's about, I just had the word 'drenched' stuck in my head for some reason... Anyway, enjoy. Hopefully? Feedback is always appreciated.

And the night cries out
With curling fingers, pulsating
Lies that seethe and bubble in
Their sensual manner, tricking,
Seducing weary passers-by.
And it is here I find solace,
In the dark and the quiet,
The scurrying damp that
Penetrates even the most
Resilient of defenses, mine.
And I don’t know what to
Make of it, the wet silence
That oozes forth, making
Life hell and death
That much more bearable.
And the moisture soothes
My soul, placates the mind,
The all-consuming senses,
Keeping the demons
At bay, if only for now.
And I’m yours.


Zatarra June 14, 2008 at 11:19 AM  

ahahah. Comment. (<--my own creative label!)

ooh, I like the new layout! I'm having some trouble reading the blue on black, but it's otherwise very pretty. ^^ Might be just because my comp's screen is slightly darker than my dad's, though...*shrug*

I love the poem!!

luv! See you next week, hopefully!


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