Saturday, June 14, 2008

Pangea ("We used to be together, why'd we have to drift apart?")

Ahh. That's better. I couldn't really take the new format, pretty as it was. Maybe some other time I'll try again. I found a few others that I really liked...

Today's song: "Pangea" by Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin. Watch the video, too, I really like how they put it together. Plus, the dinosaurs make my life. =D

So, I'm all packed... well, as much as I can be, anyway. I still need to pack a few assorted items and last minute things like my toothbrush and shampoo and other such goodies. I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to fit everything in, but that's another story. ^^

Not much else to write about, other than I was experimenting with my new camera, which I still need a name for. I name inanimate objects, you see. For example, my film camera's name is Louis, my iPod's name is Shelby, and my laptop's name is Peanut.

...What? I'm not insane...much....

Heheh. Anyway, enjoy your day. =)


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