Monday, June 2, 2008

Chasing Cars

Okay, so the song is overplayed, some would say cheesy. I still love it, though.

I met Alicia today! In person, anyway, haha. It was cool, kind of awkward, but that's how this sort of thing goes, the first time you meet someone. I guess it was kind of nice that we had talked so much online before, because I have a sense of actually knowing her, despite never meeting her in person before today. I had to bike to the local Denny's, so it was nice to get out and get some exercise and fresh air before eating yummy French Toast, mmm. Yeah, we arranged to have "lunch" together, though we both ended up ordering breakfast food, hehehe. I love doing that.

Nothing really much else to talk about... today is Monday. There's about, oh... a little over 49 hours left til the concert? Still don't know how I feel about it, though I'm suffering some anxiety over what to wear, hahaha. I also had a dream last night, but I don't really remember much of it, which I suppose is a good thing. It was probably really weird, anyway. ^^

Edit, 8:27 pm: Oh, I forgot I was supposed to wall-of-text today... whoops. Later, I promise. Also, Angie, yay for long comments! And yes... they'd have to go through Bethany... ^_^ And all the rest of you lovelies. <3


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