Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Host...

...made me cry. Thrice.

I never cry when reading a book. Only a handful of other times come to memory.

Damn you, Stephenie Meyer. First it was Edward and Jacob... you really had to create Ian, too?

Thanks for permanently screwing with my already unrealistic expectations of the male gender. *resigned sigh*


Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Temptation of the highest order,
It reaches out to grab you, pull you
Down, down, so soft and lovingly into
It’s warm embrace, dashing your frailty
Against the sharp rocks of deceit.

And you can’t escape. There it is,
And here, lying beside you, dogging
Your dreams. How it taunts you.
How it tortures you so. You fight, yet
At the same time
Long to succumb.

But you can’t. You mustn’t.
So you sit in the dark, quietly,
Listen to the breathing around you,
Within you, without you. Lying in wait
For the freedom that must surely come
Yet never does. And it bides its time,
Waiting for you to trip up, to stumble, to



Tuesday, July 29, 2008

"Dr. Horrible" back online!

For a limited time only! Watch the whole thing while you can!


Monday, July 28, 2008

I don't think I've ever hated a real person so much in my life.


Seriously? You're seriously going to do this to musical theater, you hack? Compared to this crap, The Phantom of Manhattan is sheer genius. And that book sucked by a lot. I've seen a better plot in fanfiction; I'm insulted.

I hope you die, Webber. I hope you die in a slow, excruciatingly painful manner.

Who's up for a trip to London next November? Bring your picket signs and sharp, pointy objects....


Friday, July 25, 2008


Memory consumes
And she can’t
run away
from the thoughts that
plague her, from the
Sensations she’s feeling.

Guilt, remorse, choke
their way up, past
her gut, past her brain,
to her heart.

And it hurts.

It bleeds. Deeply. Crimson
rivulets that pour, metaphorically,
from her lips, to her fingers;
The World.

And still she’s not sure what she wants.

She never has been.


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Twilight Panel at ComicCon '08!

So... last night at around 10, Christina asks me what I'm going to be doing today. Then, she proceeds to tell me that she has an extra ticket to ComicCon.

Heck. Frakking. YES.

It was packed. It was a zoo. But it was totally worth it. I got me a Doctor Horrible shirt, and a bunch of free schwag. And...

I also got to go to the Twilight movie panel!!

Never before have I ever seen so many rabid fangirls all in one room.

They showed an extended clip (you know at the end, where James is torturing Bella...? Yeah. OH MY GOD, IT'S FANTASTIC.), and opened it up to questions from the audience. Now, who was there, you ask?

The director of the film, Stephenie Meyer in the flesh, ROBERT, KRISTIN, TAYLOR, and the three others portraying le bad guys.

It was glorious.

I shot video of the panel (couldn't get the clip, sorry, they were very particular about that), so hopefully I will have it up and edited on YouTube shortly so you can oogle it. It'll probably be in 2 parts, since the panel was well over 30 minutes.

I'm such a geeky fangirl. Can't wait til December!!


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

"In reply"

I'm going to post the poem I was replying to with this one in the comments. I'd appreciate it if you check it out, because it really is thought-provoking.

It could be the same, if you think about it.
It could be the same, under different circumstances,
Or perhaps not.
Girls will be girls, in this century,
or the next.
And it's depressing, of course.
If you think about it too much,
if you dwell on it, til it
eats you up, til it
spits you out.
But there's an exception to the rule.
And maybe things are changing,
maybe times are going crazy, or
getting better.
Who knows?
The only thing to do is to be
inspired. Inspiring.
There's nothing more powerful
than an example.
Sex appeal or not,
life itself is appealing.
And it's time people started
remembering that.


Sunday, July 20, 2008

I've been... tagged!

Thanks to the two of you who took the time to comment on the last post. It really helps. =D Now, without further ado, this lovely meme:

Tagged by Maya.

Directions: Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 16 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end choose 10 people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. Don't forget to leave them a comment ("you're it") and to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you.

1. I have the awful habit of staying up into the late hours of the night--a habit I am now desperately trying to fix.

2. I honestly have no idea what I'm going to be doing with the rest of my life.

3. I've wanted to seriously travel Europe for the past 4 years, and I'm still not giving up on getting there...somehow, someway.

4. I contemplated joining the Peace Corps for about 24 hours last year.

5. My goal is to become more responsible this upcoming year... which means no procrastinating. We'll see how that goes.

6. I have no idea when someone is attempting to flirt with me.

7. I'm such a hopeless romantic. It's ridiculous.

8. I absolutely love alphabetizing things.

9. I'm truly convinced my former bedroom (now my sister's room) is haunted.

10. My favorite chapter out of the entire Harry Potter series is "The Prince's Tale".

11. I've got a thing for dark, mysterious, social outcasts.

12. I never had any real, honest-to-goodness guy friends until last year. Acquaintances, sure. Not friends.

13. I can't stand touching raw meat, under any circumstances. My mother is convinced I'm going to be a vegetarian one day.

14. I'm still miraculously in touch with my best friend from kindergarten.

15. I get anxious just thinking about meeting new people. Seriously. Social anxiety, right here.

16. Macaroni and cheese has been my favorite food since I was little. I can't get enough of the stuff.

People I tagged and why:
Alannah - mah cousin
Angie - because she hasn't written in while, so maybe this will inspire her out of her lethargy
Christina - same reason as above
Cuileann- because she likes doing these little memes, I've noticed, and I'm interested in what she would say
Jessie - mah sister
Monty - curious as to what he'd say
Morgan - there's bound to be awesome China-inspired answers awaiting
Patrice - curious as to what she has to say sad, that's only 8 people. =(


Friday, July 18, 2008


Inspired out of my creative lethargy by the latest and last installment of Dr. Horrible, as well as the lovely shorts Edge has been kind enough to post recently, here's a little something I wrote tonight. I also figure if I'm going to focus on getting a career with this, I'd better get started on writing more originals instead of fanfiction...

Anyway, if you'd be kind enough to drop a comment on what you think, that would be much, much appreciated. =)


That was my thought, the over-arching theme of the moment. I moved, breathed.


It was everywhere, all-encompassing. No escape. I smiled.


Like the drumming of my heart, it was there, constant. I looked to the monument, the gleaming marble blemished now, marred with the red of what I strongly suspected was my own life’s blood. There wasn’t much time.


“Tanya?” a voice rasped, close to me. “Tanya, where are you?”

I was riveted by that voice, the sweetest sound to be heard, here, amidst the gunfire, the screaming. I shuddered.


“I’m here, Benjamin. I’m right here,” I called, hoping he would hear me, hear my voice as I heard his.

“Tanya? Gods, Tanya, I thought I lost you...” I felt a hand touch mine. His hand.

“Benjamin, I...” A scream from nearby drowned out my words. Another one fallen, lost. I felt sick.

“Don’t move.” He was suddenly there, right in front of me. His face swam in and out of focus as my eyes clouded with tears. I took a shuddering gasp of air, coughing. Warm liquid dribbled at the edges of my mouth, down my cheek.


“I’m going to die, Benjamin,” I whispered. “I’m going to die...”

“No, no, you’re not.” He was tearing at his uniform now, tearing the dirty fabric into strips, bandages. “You’re not. I won’t let you.”

I wanted to close my eyes, but time was precious, and I couldn’t afford to. I looked at him helplessly as he worked, his hands shaking, face streaked with sweat and dirt and blood.

“Benjamin, leave it,” I gasped, as he pulled the knot of a bandage around my torso tight.


He continued tearing at his clothes, his shaking hands now covered in blood, mine.

“Benjamin... stop. Please.” With effort, I extended my hand to him, touched him lightly.

“No!” he screamed, but his voice sounded faint to me, muffled. “No, dammit, no! I can’t! Tanya...” Tears forged new paths down his cheeks, exposing the sun-kissed skin I knew to be hiding behind the grime and gore.

“At least... at least I’m going for... for something I believe in. Right?” I coughed, more blood escaping from my lungs. “Do you... do you remember, when we were... younger... talking about... our lives? Our... our futures? How we... how we wanted... to... to make a difference?”

He nodded, wiping at my lips with the scrap of uniform he held tightly in his fist, eyes glassy with tears. How I wished I could lose myself in those eyes, one more time...


But it was pain of a different nature this time, one not belonging to the realm of the physical, but that of the emotional, the spiritual. I’d never see this man again, never tell him what I thought of him, how I adored the way his chestnut hair fluttered in his face with each gust of breeze, the way his green eyes twinkled when he laughed. I would never tell him that I couldn’t live without him, that I had run off with the sole intention of finding him in the rebel forces, that I didn’t give a lick about what we were fighting for at all. I was with him, and that made me happy. I wasn’t fighting for the cause... I was fighting for him. He was the cause I believed in, the reason my blood had been shed at another’s hand. I would die for him.

And I couldn’t have been more content with that.

“Benjamin, I...” I fought to get the words out, the last thing I would say to him. I could feel me fading, each moment precious.

“What is it, Tanya?” His hands had gripped mine. I could see his face floating in front of me, so close, yet so far...

“I love you.”

The noise stilled in my ears. I saw him clearly, felt his hands in mine, the gentle waft of his breath in my face. It wouldn’t be long now.

“I know, Tanya,” I heard him choke out. “I know.”

My breathing slows, and I close my eyes. I feel my lips form a smile. Darkness encroaches, slowly.

There is no pain.




Seriously. I'm still shaking. It totally and completely blew the first one right out of the water. It's, so, SO good. But dark. Very, very dark. It was a very intense PG-13.


Go see it. Even if you have doubts... just go. It's worth it, I promise.


Thursday, July 17, 2008

"It's a Brand New Day...

...And the sun is high,
All the angels sing,
'Cause you're gonna die."

It's amusing how incredibly intoxicated I am with Doctor Horrible (Act Two is up by the way, click on the little banner to the right to watch if you haven't yet!), and yet less than 12 hours remain until Dark Knight. You know... super-villain musical... super hero movie... whatever. Both are fantabulous.

There are few things I hate in this life. One of those things is painting a room which isn't mine. Even more than that, is painting a (bath)room that isn't mine in the middle of summer with no air conditioning or even proper ventilation available. That pretty much sums up my day.

I've also been researching potential transfer schools, for life after community college. What I'd do without the U.S. News list of America's Best Colleges, I'll never know. I've been searching by major: Creative Writing. I figure my other potential major (secondary school history teacher) you can get pretty much anywhere, but creative writing isn't offered at many places, so if I decide to double major, at least I know I'll be getting my money's worth. I'm finding that the cursedness doesn't end, though. I was looking at the list, and guess which school popped up? CSU Long Beach. Now, there's absolutely nothing wrong with this school at all. In fact, it's almost what I'm looking for: reasonably cheap, by the beach, and obviously with a pretty good writing program, considering it found it's way onto this list. There's one tiny problem, though... because guess who goes there? Yeah. And, knowing my fabulous good luck (sarcasm!), I'll probably run into him at some point. I'm not just going to limit myself to California, though. I actually found a really interesting one in Canada, as well as a few reasonable ones in Massachusetts. =)

My, I certainly am using a lot of hyperlinks today.

All right. It's late, and I should probably go to bed. 'Night. I'll let you all know how Dark Knight was! I am so psyched...

P.S. We still really need members for the online book club. Come join. Please?


Monday, July 14, 2008


Freaking... yes.

News: click the little banner on the right that says "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog". It'll make your day, I swear.

Also, I started The Host yesterday.... and couldn't put it down. I stayed up til almost 3 in the morning reading, and I got about half-way through. I'm actually rather disappointed in myself; I thought I'd have it done by now. Though it's much denser than the Twilight books, I see; the latter two of which I did read in one sitting.

And I probably had the most exciting idea this summer (for me, anyway): an online book club. I've made a discussion forum and everything. I'm actually looking for more members; we've only got 3 right now, including me. Come join, if you're interested! It's literally in the formative stages, so any imput would be great. This month's book is Sense and Sensibility, by Jane Austen. I figured a month would be good, considering other committments, and to give people time to request it from the library if they're not keen on buying each book. I'm probably such a dork to be excited about this, but what can I say...

Hmm... what else, what else. OH. The Dark Knight comes out on Friday! I'm hoping to see it at midnight, if my father is gracious enough to cooperate with me. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

You know, I actually wanted to talk about something totally different like 8 hours ago, but now I'm all giddy. Perhaps I'll touch on it next time.

Thanks for reading!


Saturday, July 12, 2008

A quick little blurb

Here I go again with the listening to songs on repeat. Oh well. =)

Things have been pretty mellow since I've gotten back, but they're starting to pick up again, at least this weekend. This is the longest I've been home in over 24 hours, as I went to a sleepover to spend some time with May before she left for art camp (lucky fool, she gets to take classes on creative writing) for about 3 weeks, then it was home for a bit before heading out for a birthday party for my friend, Kami. It's nice, having things to do again, outside of sitting in front of the computer all day. Then tomorrow is a wedding and another birthday party. Woo! Exciting. xD

And I still haven't found time to start in on The Host. I should be shot.

Morgan brought up something interesting in a comment from last time; she asked me what my 'target audience' was. To be honest.... I don't really think I have one. It's strange, balancing out friends and strangers reading this at the same time. I think I'm just treating this somewhat like a diary, but keeping some things vague. I don't know; it's weird.

Anyway, until next time.


Monday, July 7, 2008

I listen to songs on repeat too much. (And other such observations.)

Perhaps it's unhealthy. But I find it comforting, listening to the same melodies over and over again, lulling me. It's regular, and familiar, and I fall back into the arms of the notes and just drift...

Wow, music has way too much control over me. See that last paragraph.

Today was...interesting. I was able to sleep in, miraculously, and my parents took the day off, so it felt like a Saturday to me. (Which I guess is appropriate, considering this past Saturday felt like a Monday.) But what we did today was just... weird. At least the first thing. We drove out to Ramona (little country city much like mine, only much more emphasis on the 'country') to go to a cemetery. Not just any cemetery, but the cemetery where my dad's sister (I guess that would make her my aunt, eh?) is buried.

I'll need to provide a little backstory for this one. See, we don't talk to my dad's side of the family. Ever. Apparently on account of my grandmother being an absolute bitch and a bigot (my mom is Filipino). I've met a few of them, like my dad's great aunt and a few of his cousins, and I vaguely remember my uncle and grandparents from when I was really little, but aside from that, no dice. So this going to visit my aunt's grave (the first time since the funeral, apparently) was a big deal. I'm still not sure what to think of it all.

After that, we went home for a bit, then it was off the theaters for my brother's belated birthday present (he turned 10 the day before we left for Alaska, so everything was really hectic-crazy and we didn't have time for much else aside from a family dinner out.): Indiana Jones. Now, having seen the first 3 movies, yet not really remembering them since I haven't seen them in six years (aside from the first one, which we watched again a few weeks ago), I was a bit unsure about going to see it. That, and all the rumors that it was about aliens. Which it totally was.

Stupid George Lucas, get in the right movie already.

Nah, it was pretty good; it had its moments. Who can resist Harrison Ford in that outfit and hat? I sure can't. And I was pleasantly surprised with how good Shia LaBeouf was in the film and how well he played his role; to me, he will always be Louis Stevens from "Even Stevens". Anything outside of that is pushing it. I don't really like him much anymore because he is in so many movies, anyway, but he did a good job with this. He's matured as an actor, which I like to see.

.......Okay, so he looked really good in it, too. Happy?

All in all, not as good as the first three, naturally. But still decent in its own right. Of course, Harrison Ford was still the selling point for me. o.~

After that, it's your typical evening spent online and talking to people over instant messenger and Facebook, except one thing: I've finally managed to get my hands on a copy of Stephenie Meyer's The Host. It's pretty exciting stuff; I lucked out, what with the library backlog and me coming back from vacation working out so well together. I'm saving the reading for tomorrow, though; I figured it'd be best that I go to sleep tonight at some point before 1 am.

Which I am rapidly running out of time to do, considering it's 12:43 right now. I think I'd better leave it at this, then.

Hopefully tomorrow (today? whatever) will get me in an appropriately fangirly mood to gush about Forks for you all. =D Good night! Sleep tight, don't (do? hmm..... o.~) let the vampires bite.

p.s. Thank you, Morgan and Angie, for the comments last time. And Emma, on IM. I love you guys. <3


Some words, or something.

It's late. I'm tired. But I figured I'd better update this thing. A big apology to readers interested in hearing more about Forks: it will come. Soon. I promise.

Being back home... is indescribable. I've never been so homesick. And I never want to be again. It wasn't even that bad, to be honest. It just... sucked.

The one catch? So much stuff I need to catch up on. Seriously, why the heck does everything (near-literally, it's not a hyperbole at all) have to happen when I'm gone? This must be a conspiracy.

I feel strange. No, that does not have to do with the moldy iced tea I accidentally drank earlier. At least, I hope not. I feel like I've resolved something, and I feel happy, and sad, all at once. It might be the tired that is contributing to this strange array of feelings over different topics at the same time, but still.

Am I making sense? No? That's okay, I do that frequently.

The resolving is something still very personal, something I've been struggling to figure out for a while. (Remember when I was going to talk about something a couple months ago, but never brought it up? Yeah. That.) I'm not even sure at this point if it's completely over, or if this is something that can be described in those terms. I wish I could make more sense for you, dear readers, but alas, this is going to remain ambiguous. Who knows, though. It might pop up again, and I might be able to be more open about it then. For now, though, I'm satisfied with saying it's resolved.

Still not making sense? Then why are you still reading, if I might ask? ^_^

I'm happy, because two dear friends of mine unexpectedly and rather suddenly got together around 4th of July. It's cute. I love them both to death. Best wishes for you guys, wherever this crazy thing goes. =D

Ah, I see. Sticking around to see if it gets coherent, are we? Good choice. I think.

Lastly, and it's probably the petty, self-pity sad in the most ridiculous way, but the above news once again leads me to wonder if that will ever happen for me. You know? As brilliant as she was, I'm not sure I want to be like Jane Austen and be alone and write novels til I die. Alone.

Oii. I should probably go to bed. Or take this song off repeat. Or perhaps both.

On a better note, (and tying into the resolving bit, but this detail is all you're getting :P) I got to see my friend Kathryn today; she had to move out to Middle of Nowhere, Arizona after school ended last year. She used to be my best friend, but due to a bunch of stupid reasons for not staying in contact often enough on both our ends, that's now changed. Don't get me wrong, I loved seeing her again, even if it was only for church; I just don't really feel the connection we used to have. Not as much of it, anyway. And I would have liked to have spent the time together doing something awesome, like actually having a conversation over coffee or something instead of going to church, and maybe I shouldn't have insisted on driving, but honestly, how can I have an actual meaningful conversation with my dad, little sister, and grandma all in the car at one point? Yeah... no. I think Jessica talked to her more than I did. I just fail at this, don't I? Anyway, she's hoping to come out again towards the end of the month to accompany me and the lucky group of friends to Phantom, like she promised me over a year ago. Then again, she also swore she'd move back out here, but has that happened? Nope.

Wow, I didn't mean for that to be so bitter. I really am happy I got to see her, even if it doesn't seem like it. I was giddy when I got her phone call last night after my flight landed.

On a completely random tanget, yet related note in my mind, I think I fail at grasping opportunities. I also think I fall in love with ideals, and not reality.

I'm hopeless, aren't I.


Thursday, July 3, 2008

Forks (and Port Angeles)... in pictures. All of these and more are up on Facebook.

Details later, I swear. I'm exhausted right now.


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

So...guess what?


Yeah. Exciting stuff. ^_^ I'll have a big long post all about it tomorrow, hopefully with pictures, too!

'Night all. =D


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