Thursday, July 17, 2008

"It's a Brand New Day...

...And the sun is high,
All the angels sing,
'Cause you're gonna die."

It's amusing how incredibly intoxicated I am with Doctor Horrible (Act Two is up by the way, click on the little banner to the right to watch if you haven't yet!), and yet less than 12 hours remain until Dark Knight. You know... super-villain musical... super hero movie... whatever. Both are fantabulous.

There are few things I hate in this life. One of those things is painting a room which isn't mine. Even more than that, is painting a (bath)room that isn't mine in the middle of summer with no air conditioning or even proper ventilation available. That pretty much sums up my day.

I've also been researching potential transfer schools, for life after community college. What I'd do without the U.S. News list of America's Best Colleges, I'll never know. I've been searching by major: Creative Writing. I figure my other potential major (secondary school history teacher) you can get pretty much anywhere, but creative writing isn't offered at many places, so if I decide to double major, at least I know I'll be getting my money's worth. I'm finding that the cursedness doesn't end, though. I was looking at the list, and guess which school popped up? CSU Long Beach. Now, there's absolutely nothing wrong with this school at all. In fact, it's almost what I'm looking for: reasonably cheap, by the beach, and obviously with a pretty good writing program, considering it found it's way onto this list. There's one tiny problem, though... because guess who goes there? Yeah. And, knowing my fabulous good luck (sarcasm!), I'll probably run into him at some point. I'm not just going to limit myself to California, though. I actually found a really interesting one in Canada, as well as a few reasonable ones in Massachusetts. =)

My, I certainly am using a lot of hyperlinks today.

All right. It's late, and I should probably go to bed. 'Night. I'll let you all know how Dark Knight was! I am so psyched...

P.S. We still really need members for the online book club. Come join. Please?


Holly July 17, 2008 at 1:37 AM  

:Even more than that, is painting a (bath)room that isn't mine in the middle of summer with no air conditioning or even proper ventilation available. That pretty much sums up my day.:
*face* Urgh. I'm sorry.

You know, I hear that Wheaton College in Illinois is an amazing school...;) Seriously, though, it's incredible. Look at it look at it look at it. :)

College app stuff, though - bleh. An unfortunate chunk of life. Let me know if you've questions I could answer, or if you need a proofreader. (Proofreading/copy editing is pretty much my calling, haha.)

Cassandra July 17, 2008 at 1:55 AM  

What's even better is that I get to put two more coats on later today, wheeee! ^_^

Wheaton, huh? Hmm, maybe I'll take a peek at it. =)

Thanks for the offer! I'm not at the point where proofreading apps comes into play quite yet, but I'll definitely keep it in mind.

Patrice July 17, 2008 at 9:39 AM  

Thank you! It took me a long time to draw.

Ugg,I hate painting. It's even worse when you're in a closed area; the fumes are so nasty.

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