Freaking... yes.
News: click the little banner on the right that says "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog". It'll make your day, I swear.
Also, I started The Host yesterday.... and couldn't put it down. I stayed up til almost 3 in the morning reading, and I got about half-way through. I'm actually rather disappointed in myself; I thought I'd have it done by now. Though it's much denser than the Twilight books, I see; the latter two of which I did read in one sitting.
And I probably had the most exciting idea this summer (for me, anyway): an online book club. I've made a discussion forum and everything. I'm actually looking for more members; we've only got 3 right now, including me. Come join, if you're interested! It's literally in the formative stages, so any imput would be great. This month's book is Sense and Sensibility, by Jane Austen. I figured a month would be good, considering other committments, and to give people time to request it from the library if they're not keen on buying each book. I'm probably such a dork to be excited about this, but what can I say...
Hmm... what else, what else. OH. The Dark Knight comes out on Friday! I'm hoping to see it at midnight, if my father is gracious enough to cooperate with me. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
You know, I actually wanted to talk about something totally different like 8 hours ago, but now I'm all giddy. Perhaps I'll touch on it next time.
Thanks for reading!
I'm really looking forward to seeing The Dark Knight. Batman is the only superhero that I can stand as a movie. I'm not into Superman or Spiderman or whoever else is made into a movie these days. But Batman? Hell freaking yest!
Same here! Batman's my favorite... he doesn't really have a weird super-power, which I like. Unless you count the ridiculous amount of wealth, the awesome costume, and the Batmobile. ^_^
Ahh, yes, I can't wait until it comes out. Time Magazine had a beautifully written article on it. I wonder if I'll like The Dark Knight better than Iron Man...
Yeah I love Batman, I'm definately going to see The Dark Knight, it looks really well done.
Glad you like The Host! It took me a while to read it, and I like reading books in one sitting, so I spent a whole day curled up on the sofa.
;D Matt kept trying to get me to buy Dr. Horrible off iTunes...
I hope you can come with us!! Ask soon though, tickets will probably be selling fast. ;) I'll probably have to send an email about it...
I still haven't gotten around to read The Host all that much yet, sadly. Really want to...I'm hoping I can re-read Eclipse before Breaking Dawn comes out too, but I dunno.... :( *hopes for the best*
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