Monday, September 1, 2008

"The Red Leaf"

I've had this mental image of this leaf I saw on the blacktop at school back on Thursday. As we were supposed to write a poem over the weekend about an inanimate object for Creative Writing (I love that class so much), I guess it's a good thing it's been stuck in my head.

Before I put the poem here, I must share some news: The "Dr. Horrible" soundtrack is now out on iTunes!! It makes me so happy; I even had a dream about it a few weeks ago, hahaha. Alas, I have no money. -_- I need a job. I think I might pop into the Halloween store that sets up down the street around this time and see if they're still hiring.

Anyway, here's the poem. Comments are always greatly appreciated. :D

"The Red Leaf"

Cascading, great gulps
of air as it spins,
flickering--old photographs,
I watch the graceful
tumble-down of memory,
immune to time and space, but
not the laws of Gravity;
it Falls,
bleeding scarlet on ebony,


Patrice September 3, 2008 at 7:25 PM  

ooh that's a nice poem. I love the word cascading. Yeah, I'm weird and I have favorite words. :P

Cassandra September 7, 2008 at 12:30 AM  

:D Thank you. And I have favorite words, too, so don't even worry about it.

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