Saturday, September 6, 2008


I got called 'cute' today. Over IM. By a guy I barely know, and whom I haven't seen (in person) in years. It was quite interesting.

I think he's desperate for a girlfriend. It kinda makes me feel bad. All the same, I'm going to be bracing myself if we keep talking and he eventually decides to ask me out. He has somewhat of a history of this, you see.

I dunno. I kinda get where he's coming from. Though to say right now I could care less if I was dating someone would be a lie, I think it's getting to that point. Slowly. There are other things to focus on. Not to mention the fact that I'm still getting over someone, but that's an entirely different topic altogether. And, if I remember correctly, I think I swore him off (or at least talking about him in here) months ago, so...

However, I think I'm going to flatter myself and say that I was never really so desperate once upon a time.

Or, perhaps I was, just never so outspoken about it.


Maya September 7, 2008 at 7:05 PM  

Wtf? How did this even happen?

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