Monday, February 18, 2008

Surviving =)

Hello one and all, I am back in business. I actually managed to survive Singles Awareness Day, even though this random freak winter storm came only on that day with a bunch of rain (I'm convinced the rain gods and Cupid are in cahoots...); it was actually quite pleasant afterwards, eating soup and watching the recent release of Pride and Prejudice all afternoon (I can't get enough of that story) before going to the musical at the high school and getting in for free because I am just that awesome. ^_^ Even though I sort of crashed towards the end heading into the later hours of the night, all in all it wasn't as bad as I supposed it to be. I did have these random chronic stomachaches on Wednesday and Thursday, and I still don't know where they came from or what caused them, but they've disappeared as of now, so...

This four day weekend flew by! I had so much fun today, driving around with Maya and taking random pictures of everything; I don't really want to go back to school for the rest of the week, and of course it's not fair at all that my brother and sister have all the rest of the week off for President's Day... *grumble*

All in all, things are still on the slow but steady incline I was talking about. Of course I have down moments--who doesn't? But I can't help but feel a little less emo now. Then again, all on Saturday when we went to see the musical again I couldn't help getting massively anxious that I might run into Nick... I did get to see Sean, though, so that was definitely a nice trade off. Plus seeing all my family, including my cute little niece (my cousin's kid), because of my grandparent's 50th anniversary dinner. It blows my mind how anyone could stay together that long, but I suppose it's possible if you try hard enough, which is what I was talking to Morgan about last night during a rather enjoyable IM conversation about different aspects of "love".

Still, I have yet to survive an upcoming orch concert, slated for next Wednesday... we'll see how that goes. I'm not even sure what I'm going to say to him. Ah well, I suppose I work best on impulse...

Til next time, then.


Zatarra February 19, 2008 at 10:13 AM  

O___O --don't talk about next Wednesday!!!--

xD Yeah, I've found that spur of the moment is best too, things never turn out how you imagine them.....^^

lol. I thought the weather on Thursday was glorious and....pretty funny too. ;D Jessie was my valentine...

But so yeah. See you Wednesday then, dearie, if not sooner.


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