Friday, May 30, 2008

Summer Skin

Hello, blog. It's been a while.

Granted, not as long as some of the other times before, when I fell off the face of the planet for a few months. Well, here I am, picking this thing up like an old book, finding the place where I left off, and beginning again.

Summer has officially begun, and I've got the sunburns to prove it. Maya calls them sexy. I say, not so much. Me and Morgan went to Texas with our Girl Scout troop, and we hung out at the beach. Yeah. We went to Texas to go to the beach. How awesome are we? ^_^ Pictures here.

The high school prom is tomorrow. I think Jessica is going to a certain "de-Prom" with some mutual friends of ours, but I shall be alone with my thoughts. Sometimes I wish there was an off button for my brain.

I'm also starting to regret not working at camp this summer. I miss it. I need to get up to the mountains this summer, preferrably more than once. And Alaska doesn't count. But I will no doubt love the awesome moutains in Alaska; we're going to visit Denali National Park before we go on our cruise. Yay, caribou and grizzly bears! =)

I'm not sure what else to say. I feel kind of listless and irritable, it's been like this for the past week. I'm not sure what's up.

Well, whatever. Til later, then.


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Twilight Teaser Trailer!!

WOOOOOOOOOO!!! *seeps giddiness from her very pores*



Monday, May 5, 2008

I am so hungry...

But you didn't really need to know that, did you? *shrugs*

So, I have recently succumbed to the corporate machine and (re)gotten myself a MySpace account. (The first one I had is still out there, but I can't log into it; I think someone might have hacked into it, the losers...) With this, I realize that I'm all over cyberspace, so I've organized that nice shiny list in the right column where you can find me and stalk me if you so choose. I won't accept requests from random strangers, but if I've talked to you more than once or twice, chances are I'll befriend you. Yay, internet party! =)

I also recently finished the one of the books I was reading, God is Not Great, by Christopher Hitchens. If you've been following this blog for a while you'll recall my interest with religions; well, this book is sort of the opposite of spirituality, in that it lays out the authors views on "How Religion Poisons Everything". The book was well-written, the arguments substantial if not controversial, and over-all not the kind of thing I'd like for my mother to see me reading. ^_^ I definitely don't agree with everything Hitchens says, and I'm unsure as to where I stand on other things, but it really is an interesting, intelligent, substantial argument regarding the various "evils" of organized religion; mostly the three prominent Western monotheisms, but there is a mention of Eastern religions as well. All in all, a great book, and I highly recommend it to anyone relatively curious and open-minded.

In other news: less than 18 days left until summer vacation! I'm so stoked. Though I need to find a job soon... not looking forward to that one.


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