Monday, May 5, 2008

I am so hungry...

But you didn't really need to know that, did you? *shrugs*

So, I have recently succumbed to the corporate machine and (re)gotten myself a MySpace account. (The first one I had is still out there, but I can't log into it; I think someone might have hacked into it, the losers...) With this, I realize that I'm all over cyberspace, so I've organized that nice shiny list in the right column where you can find me and stalk me if you so choose. I won't accept requests from random strangers, but if I've talked to you more than once or twice, chances are I'll befriend you. Yay, internet party! =)

I also recently finished the one of the books I was reading, God is Not Great, by Christopher Hitchens. If you've been following this blog for a while you'll recall my interest with religions; well, this book is sort of the opposite of spirituality, in that it lays out the authors views on "How Religion Poisons Everything". The book was well-written, the arguments substantial if not controversial, and over-all not the kind of thing I'd like for my mother to see me reading. ^_^ I definitely don't agree with everything Hitchens says, and I'm unsure as to where I stand on other things, but it really is an interesting, intelligent, substantial argument regarding the various "evils" of organized religion; mostly the three prominent Western monotheisms, but there is a mention of Eastern religions as well. All in all, a great book, and I highly recommend it to anyone relatively curious and open-minded.

In other news: less than 18 days left until summer vacation! I'm so stoked. Though I need to find a job soon... not looking forward to that one.


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