Sunday, September 21, 2008

"Stare" Rough Draft

Rough draft of a poem I started on the 16th, but fleshed out and completed this afternoon. As always, feedback is greatly appreciated. :D

“Don’t stare,” says your mother.
“It’s not polite.”
But you do.
Everybody does.

Eyes wide in longing,
disgust, shock,
unbridled curiosity—
Everybody stares.

The girl swathed in black,
cutting across the grass
to feel the dew on her toes—

The woman donning a headscarf
and long sleeves, even in
the harsh sunshine of summer—

The man, unshaven, standing on
the street corner with his sign
“Please Help” while cars whiz past—

The freaks, the outcasts,
the downtrodden, misunderstood,
sick and healthy, whole and amputee,
those for whom there is nothing, or everything,
who do not or have always belonged—

Everybody stares.

Even you who listen, right now,
with eyes wide in shock
and disgust, or idle curiosity;
while your mother’s voice whispers
“Don’t, it’s not polite.”

Let me tell you something.

Polite has no place
here, in this life so limited,
where each second is precious.

So damn your mother—stare—soak it in—
open your eyes
and see.


Holly September 21, 2008 at 4:51 PM  

Oh! :D I really like this.

One thing I would change - when I was reading the stanza about "the girl swathed in black" I at first assumed she was wearing some sort of full-body veil, 'cause of the word "swathed." When I got to the next stanza I figured you wouldn't mention two different women in hajib. So maybe change that from swathed? That, for me at least, conjures up images of a large piece of fabric, while I'm guessing you just meant to describe someone dressed all in black. True?

Cassandra September 21, 2008 at 9:01 PM  

cuileann: Yeah, I meant dressed all in black.... I like using the word 'swathed' sometimes. ^^ Thanks for pointing that out.

Woot for the comments. They make me happy! :D

Donne October 28, 2008 at 3:30 PM  

Hm. Didn't like the one minor curse, but otherwise pretty good. Get your views out there.

Although, my opinion- staring is good, at times- but at others, even a simple look (especially combined with other peers') can cut deeper than an insult. Even honest intentions can have hurtful results through misinterpreting.

-And hiya! I'm Donne. Glad to meet you- comment on your page- whatever.

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