Thursday, February 7, 2008

Blog Revamp

Happy New Year, readers! If I've got any, that is, ha. I know I like to drop off the face of the earth for a couple of months and not post anything, but I'm still trying to get used to keeping a regular journal-thing like this... December was going well, but... meh. Now's as good a time as any to start again.

I must say that things have been up and down. School's started up again, so that keeps me somewhat busy. Recently, though, times have been especially hard to deal with; one of my dear forum-buddies Tiina passed away two weeks ago (on a Wednesday, no less. And you thought I was cursed before?), and I'm just worried about my lovely "clone" Maya, who's been dealing with major homesickness and a lot of other emotionally-stressful things. That, and my brain's just come out of some sort of numbing, apathetic hibernation period, and I think yesterday was the overload point; I was in a horrible mood all day, very brooding and somewhat anti-social, ended up crying myself to sleep because I think my emotional-mental capacity just snapped. It's weird when you cry and you can feel what's wrong, but there are so many things floating around in that category that you can't pinpoint an exact reason. ...Man, I hate Wednesdays.

Some good news, though. My nostalgia for high school is slowly diminishing; I think it might have something to do with the fact that I had originally signed up to play for the high school's musical this spring ("The Music Man", ugh.) because they needed more violinists, but I just couldn't really take being there. I was jumpy and paranoid about accidentally crossing paths with Nick (which almost happened on the first day, argh), not to mention nervous and stressing about the music and not having played in months... yeah. Needless to say, I dropped when I had the chance, and since then I've been better when it comes to the subject of high school. There are low points, of course, but I like to think of myself as slowly improving. The same with orchestra, but that process is going much slower.

Anyway, that's my entry for today, I've got to get to class. Let's see if I'm actually able to keep this up. =)


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