Tuesday, November 6, 2007

...In which I bitch about life.

Wow, I haven't done this in a while.

What can I say without baring my darkest secrets for all to see? Perhaps I should start doing that, I know it'd be a heck of a lot more interesting to read about...

Haven't dropped out of Community College yet, though I have skipped once or twice (shhh...); it makes me feel adventurous, haha.

The thing I don't like about life right now is pretty much everything. I've quite honestly never felt so lost in my life. It's like I'm floating, suspended in thin air between ups and downs, though I have crashed several times (oh, have I ever...). I miss everyone, I'm more anti-social than ever, I rot my brain on the computer, and I'm still not mobile, but did finally get my driver's permit last month, huzzah...

I want to go back to high school. I miss it like mad, it's driving me absolutely nuts.

Oh, and did I mention my pathetic excuse for a love life now has me pining away over someone I haven't talked to since June and refuses to answer my emails for some unknown reason? My good friend Matt told me once that I could do so much better, and I'd honestly like to believe that, but right now, I'd be willing to go to hell and back for this guy, no matter how much I really, really, really want to beat the shit out of him for being so stupid and for making me hurt.

My emotions fluctuate from cynicism, apathy, and depression, with no end in sight; the weather and changing of the seasons isn't helping much, either.

...Someone once said that the college experience would be some of the best years of your life. Obviously, they were wrong.


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