Friday, November 9, 2007

Four day weekend, heck yes.

Today is officially no different than any other day, aside from those slight factors that indeed do make it different and grant me the peace of mind that I'm really not living the same day over and over again.

(...That sentence was kind of confusing for me to read again, but it's past midnight, so that might have something to do with it.)

Anyway, so class is out for the weekend, and monday is Veteran's Day, so no class then... Darah has invited me to go with her to Los Angeles for the weekend and play the tourist game, even though we live, like, two hours away, haha.

I just hope I don't end up strangling her or some such thing; it always seems that everytime I spend time with her, I get upset or all riled up about something. Last time had been in September when she had told me something about... well, let's just say it has to do with the guy that I've been angsting over recently, but in all reality this has been going on for much longer than that; in fact, I think it'll be a year in December....

Anyway, she told me something I found interesting: over the summer, apparently said guy had been asking about me... like, naming me specifically... I thought I was going to pass out, honestly. I was like, why NOW; why couldn't I just walk away quietly, even though I couldn't get my thoughts away from him for very long over the summer, once I finally figured everything out...

I'm just absolutely pathetic sometimes, you have no idea.


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