Thursday, July 5, 2007

"I'm a little more than useless"...right?

Song of the day: More Than Useless by Relient K

Blah. I feel like I've done nothing today. Probably because that's exactly what I did today: nothing.

I officially hate summer: the heat, the lack of friends to hang out with, the...nothingness. I mean, even though sleeping in until noon (or, in my case, 9:30) is nice, it does lose its charm after a while. So do the Tostitos and salsa I had for lunch today, as well as all the junk food I had yesterday during fireworks, not to mention the assorted deep fried artery-cloggers I've had from going to the fair twice...oh, boy...

And it's not like I can go anywhere...stranded at home with two younger siblings and without a license. Such is my life.

But enough about that. I'm sure you don't want to hear me complain endlessly about how much my life sucks. Even I get tired of that after a while.

Anyway, fireworks last night was fun. Like I said, we went after church, and after twenty minutes or so of driving around, dodging pedestrians and a potentially lethal four-way intersection (the traffic light was broken), we finally settled down in a Vons (Safeway) parking lot and watched the fireworks from the local high school.

It did leave me feeling somewhat depressed, however. Only five people from church came with me and my family, four of whom make up two of the cutest (married) couples I've ever seen, and two of them are not even two years older than I am. I mean, I know I shouldn't let something like that set me off to the fact that *whispers* I've never had a boyfriend and possibly never will, but it did. I'm actually a rather emotional person (as well as a hopeless romantic) but I don't usually show it as often anymore. So, when I do let my guard down, it often gets the best of me with a vengence. Eh. Whatever. That's what college is for, right?

In other best friend recently moved to Arizona, and she finally emailed me (it took her a while to get the Internet set up). That was one of the high points of my day, actually, hearing from her. I'm used to seeing her at least once a week, so the whole moving deal was difficult for both of us. Not that I can even begin to describe how she feels...while I only lost one friend to the distance (and the sweltering heat! At 3:00 today, the temperature was recorded as 111 degrees F, as opposed to the 86 for me at the same time...) she had to leave behind everyone.

Anyway, I'm sort of looking forward to tomorrow: I'm hanging out with a friend for most of the day so we can complain about how cursed our lives are (literally...I'll explain tomorrow, that should be fun...) and then I'm going to see Ratatouille with some more friends later on in the evening. And somewhere in there, I'll have to pack for camp, which I am leaving for on Sunday and will be gone for two weeks...

Sorry my life is so boring.

warm regards,
dark-hearted rose


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