Sunday, July 11, 2010

Milestones to failure

The past week has had more than its fair share of firsts. And they're not very good ones, either.

- Tuesday was the first time I've ever been asked to leave a class for the day. I'm taking a biology class this summer for gen ed credit at my old community college and I forgot to wear closed-toe shoes for lab (long weekends are deadly to newly-establishing habits, and I wear flip-flops everywhere. I don't have to think about it, they're extensions of my feet). It was pretty embarrassing.

- Wednesday I ended up getting a parking ticket for the first time ever. Thanks for putting up signs and then hiding them behind trees so I don't notice them for two weeks. I've never gotten any sort of driving ticket. It sucked. And now I owe the city 40 bucks.

- Friday I was driving with my friend and accidentally ran over a squirrel running across the street and almost cried. Shut up, okay? It was traumatizing. I've never killed anything bigger than a bug before. I'm sorry, squirrel! =(

I'm not sure why I felt the need to spell it all out like that, but last week was.... trying. A lot of little things added up and I'm just realizing it now, and though I wrote like a crazy person on Thursday night/extremely early Friday morning and actually managed to churn out a decent guest blog, right now it just feels like I'm not accomplishing anything and I'm just a failtastic waste of space. I know that's silly and I'm not really, but sometimes it just feels like I am.

Which isn't really encouraging the day before a big test (honestly, I don't give a crap about photosynthesis and cellular respiration, but I need this class), but I'm trying to see past that sentiment of failure. It's a little easier once I acknowledge it to move on afterward.

So here's to last week and all the suck. And here's to this week and it being that much better and productive.


Holly July 12, 2010 at 10:54 AM  

i might've cried. *patpat*

Odessa July 16, 2010 at 9:51 AM  

oh no...sorry you had a rough weak. i'd be traumatized if i hit a squirrel too. and boo on parking tickets, they're basically highway robbery.

Maya Ganesan July 17, 2010 at 10:57 PM  

aww! :( I always make my dad or mom come to a screeching halt to let squirrels or similar creatures scamper past on the road, but there's always the one or two occasions when someone else has come before you and unknowingly run it over...

I would've cried for sure. Don't feel bad about that.

We all have our fair share of embarrassing or sucky moments - like paking tickets :P - but I guess they teach us a lot we wouldn't've learned any other way. It stinks, though, that to learn a whole lot of life lessons you have to learn them the hard way.

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