Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I before E except after C

I figure I have time right now, so I guess I'll start on this. What I wanted to talk about yesterday was something I had been thinking about for a lot of the day. I guess it was triggered after I had read Maya's last Xanga post from the night before and asked her about it, because she said she didn't rant as much or as often as she used to. Well, she said I was the exception, being her clone and everything; in her words, "it's a good thing, it means you aren't a moron". ^_^

But, anyway, the whole thing with exceptions first came up when I was talking one night last week to someone (no names mentioned here, it's kind of private), and it came up that out of all the girls he happened to be IMing right then that night, I was the only one he hadn't at least made out with. I told him I thought it was amusing, but I mean, how am I supposed to handle that? Am I supposed to be flattered? I guess. But, I don't know. It's just all very confusing for me. I mean, why is that the case? And I know it's probably silly for me to even be thinking about it so intensely like this, but it just bugs me. I mean, why is that the case, that I'm the exception with him? I'm so glad he respects me enough to not do that, and that he trusts me enough to even talk to me about it, don't get me wrong. It's just.... I dunno. It's difficult to explain. Do other guys see me like that? As the exception?

So, I guess the whole deal with exceptions can go both ways. Exceptions can be good things, or bad things. Or, they can be in the middle ground and just be confusing as hell.


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