Tuesday, August 21, 2007

There IS No Spoon...

I. Just. Saw. The Matrix. For the First time. Ever.

SUCH A GOOD MOVIE! Wow, I don't think I've ever seen a movie that could make me think so hard... oh, wait, maybe V for Vendetta...but, of course, that one's written by the same guys, so...

Anyway, now I've got this whole conspiracy theory thing going (because I love conspiracy theories!) about whether or not the Matrix is real... *shifty eyes*

...I should probably go to bed now.

Oh, if you get an email about Mars coming within ridiculous proximity of the earth on the 27th, it's not true: http://www.snopes.com/science/mars.asp


Teh College...

Registering for college! Ahhh!


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Why I Officially Hate UC schools

All right, this is the final straw. I had a general dislike for University of California (UC) schools up to this point...but.... *snarls*

One of my good friends had applied (and been accepted) to the UC Irvine. She'd even signed up for classes, for pete's sake! But, about a few weeks ago, they have the gall to tell her, "Sorry, but we don't have any room for you." I mean, W.T.F.?? Honestly, how rude! And she wasn't even on the bloody waiting list, or anything like that! Bah!! Just. Makes. Me. So. Mad...

It's okay, though. Now she's going to school up in Monterey Bay. But, the downside is, she'll have to leave sooner, not only because it's farther away, but because their term starts earlier than the UCs do. Little poops....

-end rant-


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

...Procreation Day?

Hahahaha... this is funny...


Makes me sort of want to move to Russia myself... o_~


Friday, August 3, 2007

A Hairy Situation

So, I got my hair cut super super short on Tuesday. On Wednesday afternoon, my sister got really bored and proceeded to style my hair into a fohawk and took pictures. I had intended to stick the pictures on here, but our digi-cam is screwed up, so those will have to wait (sorry, Zatarra!).

Instead, I offer a list of interesting things to call someone if the situation calls for it (and all of these things I've been called recently, so that just makes it even better.)

  • Bagel
  • Housewife
  • Gutter
  • Flying Elephant
  • Bunny Whore
  • (list to be continued)

Anyway, I leave for my backpacking trip tomorrow morning...oh, joy. And I spent all day today baking, it was quite fun. Cookies and Lemon Squares, yum!

That's about it... now I'm off to work on the latest chapter of a fanfiction story I'm working on, yay!

Quote of the day: [glancing out window] "What! It's just a freaking flying elephant!!" "...What?" - myself in all seriousness to my little brother ("...what?")


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