Tuesday, August 21, 2007

There IS No Spoon...

I. Just. Saw. The Matrix. For the First time. Ever.

SUCH A GOOD MOVIE! Wow, I don't think I've ever seen a movie that could make me think so hard... oh, wait, maybe V for Vendetta...but, of course, that one's written by the same guys, so...

Anyway, now I've got this whole conspiracy theory thing going (because I love conspiracy theories!) about whether or not the Matrix is real... *shifty eyes*

...I should probably go to bed now.

Oh, if you get an email about Mars coming within ridiculous proximity of the earth on the 27th, it's not true: http://www.snopes.com/science/mars.asp


Zatarra September 6, 2007 at 8:26 PM  

YES!!! The Wachowski brothers are teh awesome. I worship them as gods. (I sacrifice eggies in baskets for them.... xD )

Now...have you seen [i]Reloaded[/i] or [i]Revolutions[/i]? If not, look out your window to see me kidnapping you.

Check out the Matrix Has You flash cartoon series by Legendary Frog, too...can't remember if I sent you that link.......

Oh, some professors are thinking life as we know it is like a big game of [i]The Sims[/i] for someone else... o_o PICK THE RED PILL AND FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT!!



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