Wednesday, July 4, 2007

First Post!

Cool. So, I just randomly decided to get this after taking a peek at my friend's...excellent.

Anyway, allow me to introduce myself. I'm dark-hearted rose (you didn't really think I'd use my real name, would you? too many psychopaths...and no, it doesn't make a difference that I already know quite a lot of them...), an atypical seventeen-and-a-half year old (come this Friday, the 6th). I've just graduated high school (OH-SEVEN!!), and I plan on attending community college in the fall, because I am an A-Class loser who doesn't feel comfortable leaving home yet, no matter how much I wish that I could.

I love to write. I guess you could call it my passion, but I'm beginning to suspect that it is an obsession. In fact, you can check me out on both and under the penname (surprise!) dark-hearted rose. I also technically have a MySpace, but I think someone hacked into my account or something, because I can't log in anymore...but I digress.

Speaking of obsessions...I am what I have termed "completely, soul-consumingly obsessed" with all things Phantom of the Opera. Yes, you read that right...Phantom of the Opera. I love the story, and for some screwed-up reason, I think it would be incredibly sexy if some skeleton-man that "smells like death" came to take me away to his sewer kingdom beneath a monolith foriegn center of entertainment. (Now do you believe me when I call myself "atypical"?) Anyway, as a result, (and a future warning) you will most likely find that I at least allude to the subject matter at least once every day. Yay me.

Anyway, I'm sort of new at this whole blogging/online diary thing, so bear with me. Almost all of my entries will be incredibly vague--as I don't share personal things easily, even with the best of friends--and I warn you that I will indefinitely rant either about guys or how much "my life sucks" because, hey...I'm still a teenager. :)

So that's basically it for now...Happy Independence Day! ...Even though I like British people more than Americans, but, again, I digress. ;P

warm regards,
dark-hearted rose


Zatarra July 7, 2007 at 5:41 PM  

OMG AN ERIK-SHAPED COOKIE!!! How cool! How's my mini-Erik/voodoo doll guy doin'? ;)

So yeah...Awesome number of posts!! I've only two... :( to dinner!

Luv ya,

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