Saturday, July 28, 2007


Sweet! Just got back from a final "pack check" for my group...I'm heading up (back) into the East Sierra Nevada come this Saturday, the 4th of August. I'm so excited! This is my second trip up there, and I'm really glad that I'm returning. The lakes and the mountains are so pretty... *happy, contented sigh* I'm thinking that this trip'll be just the thing I need to help me edge away more effectively from my least, that's what worked last year, so I'm banking on it again. I just hope that I don't slide down a tweny-foot rock face this time, that sucked a little mom said she thought I was gonna die. ^^V

Saw two of my camp buddies on Wednesday...we went out to lunch, and I got to ride in a 2006 Ford Mustang... I can't believe she drives that! *jealous* Anyway, we got to talking a little bit about our respective troubles with certain members of the opposite sex, and she made me promise to email Sean (once I get his email address from someone...I'm not a stalker, I swear...). Honestly, though, I really don't know what, if anything, will come from it. I want to just leave it alone, but getting back in contact with someone never hurt anybody, right?

Anyway, I've got to go eat something, I'm starving...I didn't eat breakfast, minus a few tortilla chips, a granola bar, and some Nutella...nutritious, I know...


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