Sunday, July 26, 2009

In which I ramble about being nerdy <3

I think I'm going to ramble.

So this weekend was Comic Con International! It's another one of those things that makes me love living here in San Diego. No hotel reservations to make, no flights or long long car drives... just carpool with friends and jump on the trolley. Though, to be honest, if I didn't live here I probably wouldn't go to the Con in the first place, because of the aforementioned travelly stuff to take care of. And I kind of suck at that sort of thing.

I don't really think I can sum up everything right now because it's just a huge swirl of sound and color and excitement and exhaustion in my head. And I love it. And it was awesome. I can't wait to do it again next year.

It's quiet right now, mostly because my little brother's away at camp for the week. I'm supposed to be writing him a letter, but I'm blogging instead. I'll get to the letter later.

That kinda rhymed. Ish.

I haven't written anything in a while. Well, a couple weeks ago I started a new script based on a prompt Matt gave me and I wrote the first page and a half. It's kind of gory and dark. I like it. But I haven't written much else because I don't have an ending yet. I think I do, but it's stewing and developing itself in the Maybe, as Russell T says. (I saw him today and it was awesome.) I keep coming back to this image of one of the characters, a man, smothering the other character, a woman, with this white handkerchief while she pleads with him. It's night, and in the middle of this cornfield, and all you can really make out are the blue-black silhouettes of their bodies and the lighter square of cotton handkerchief pressed against her face while she says over and over, "Please, I don't want to die anymore. Please."

Like I said. Dark.

Oh. Changing tacks, there's this random guy who a couple of weeks ago asked to be my friend on Facebook. I'm kind of a friend whore, so I'm like sure, why not. He's cool, a local; keeps mentioning the fact that he's married, so I don't think of him as very sketchy. Occasionally he'll comment on stuff, and it's fun to read. So today apropos of nothing, he writes on my wall and says "You are freaking awesome!" I'm like sweet, that's cool. Random, but cool. So I thank him and remark that I don't really know what inspired him to say that--maybe it was all the tweets/status updates from Con. His response (edited because he has questionable spelling and I'm OCD like that): "It wasn't any one thing, it's the nice little wave of just great and geeky things that make you awesome." And you know what? That really made me smile. Because it's nice to be recognized like that. Usually with most of my friends I just get weird looks or eyerolls when I geek out about something. But frak that. I like what I like and I watch what I watch and I read what I read, and if I love it enough I'm probably going to gush about it. And if that makes me a nerd or a geek or whatever, that's fine. That's more than fine. I have a friend from school who says that I bring out the geek in her. And sometimes she says it's embarrassing, but I tell her this: it's important to own it. Really truly own up to who you are and what you love. Because if you have nothing to be passionate about, or if you're embarrassed by your interests... what a craphole of a life. Seriously. That would really suck. So I'd rather be branded as a nerd (which I totally am, by the way, and I love it) than live like that.

And I think that's one of the more abstract reasons why I really really enjoyed Con this year. It was nice to see a ton of other people who were into the same stuff I was and weren't afraid to flaunt it. Power to you guys. See you next year.


Saturday, July 25, 2009

I need to see Fight Club

I was looking at the new secrets for this week over at PostSecret and one of them was written on this, which is apparently at the beginning of the movie Fight Club. It's pretty freaking sweet, and I thought I'd post it as a reminder to myself and anyone else out there who may need it.

(click for big)

This week has been insanely busy with many things awesome and Comic Con. Hopefully after tomorrow I'll have time to write and fangirl about it all for you. :)


Friday, July 17, 2009

It's my blog, I can be vague and poetical if I want to

What do you do once you willfully trade knowing for ignorance?

What is left for you to do? But to sit and smile and pretend there is nothing wrong while hoping that you're right; to bury the mutinous whispers of doubt and curiosity beneath blankets of gray matter; to repeat mindless mantras about bliss and killing so much more than cats?

That's what I want to know.


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