Saturday, March 28, 2009

Some things that Happened

I seem to be attached to lists lately, so I'll list some things that happened to me this week with no context at all and in no particular order to both intrigue and amuse you.

- I was indirectly called a crappy friend
- I then had that notion corrected
- I conspired and helped envision a dead girl named Anahi
- I aced a test I surely thought I would fail
- I doubted and then fell even more in love with a TV show
- I found myself in the lobby of an optometrist for an hour
- I found myself in the lobby of a mental hospital for an hour
- I pirated obtained lots of music completely legally
- I folded a friend's laundry
- I woke up not knowing where I was
- I ran away
- I learned about responsibility and family
- I dreamt about giant spiders
- I laughed, cried, disdained, and loved

I couldn't make this up if I tried.
I should go to sleep.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Happiness is... (a summary of my weekend)

- Springtime
- Peace
- Gift cards to Borders
- Getting the ending you needed, not the one you wanted
- Gmail conversations with Cuil
- Being with friends
- Laughing so hard it hurts
- Music
- Not being able to comprehend awkwardness
- Waking up to pouring rain
- Poetry
- Pajamas
- Reviews from ffnet in my inbox
- Joss Whedon back on television
- Cookies
- Discovering that you are the inspiration for something beautiful


Friday, March 20, 2009

Four Months Later

So, I'm not about to pretend that I have any clue whatsoever how to write a review for a TV show, movie, book, anything. That's not what this is about. This is about what I just witnessed, and how I feel about it. This can be summed up in three simple words:

Oh my gods.

For those of you unaware, tonight was the airing of the last episode of Battlestar Galactica. Ever. That's it. No more.

Having just been exposed to the series this past November (O.o), I have no idea what it must have been like to wait and follow this series and the characters for 4 years. I have no idea how magnificent these last two hours must have felt after so long. But I do know how magnificent these last two hours felt to me, after whirl-wind watching practically the whole frakkin' thing over Winter Break. (Seriously. It was nuts.)

So. Much. Pay off.

I have no idea how anyone goes about writing something like that. I just don't. As a writer, it blows my mind. As a viewer, it blows my mind.

I think you'd have to be a vegetable to not have your mind blown. And even then, it's a bit iffy.

I got chills so many times. I almost cried twice. (I usually don't cry when watching something. Two episodes of Buffy are the exception when it comes to TV.) I can't count how many times I brought my hands to my mouth in anticipation or nervous excitement or elation or sorrow or shock.

It's great writing, great acting, great directing. Great music. Great everything. It's great entertainment. It's relevant social and political commentary. It's life-altering. It's fantastic.

It's genius.

So say we all.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

"What've you got in that bag?! Bricks??"

Cuileann did this first, so I'm copying her. Plus, I needed an excuse to clean out my purse. ^_^

I suppose the theory behind this is to get a glimpse into a person's everyday life by rifling through the contents of their purse/man bag/pockets/marsupial pouch/whatever. So, since you can't do that, I did the rifling for you.

(check out that new carpet! awwwwwww, yeah.)

- wallet
- keys (pocket knife attached)
- cell phone
- iPod and headphones
- mirror and little pouch it comes in
- Chap Stick
- obnoxiously bright red lipstick
- water bottle
- lighter (for Rocky Horror outings)
- pen
- guitar pick
- a penny
- a button
- bobby pins
- movie ticket stub (Dark Knight in imax, baby)
- program and ticket stub from the Assassins stage reading Monday night (which was phenomenal)
- random blue raffle tickets
- flier for ladies' open mic night
- coupon for First Aid classes

I also carry around my camera and some (ahem) feminine necessities, but it's hard to take a picture of your camera, and I didn't photograph the other stuff because... well, duh. Awkward.


Find you a Scottish man

Okay, an actual post will be forthcoming. Amusing conversations just keep happening.....

Maya (1:57:43 AM): oh yeah, i have to find you a scottish man
Maya (1:57:52 AM): any expectations?
Cassandra (1:58:06 AM): umm, reasonably attractive
Cassandra (1:58:18 AM): musical background preferred
Maya (1:58:41 AM): kilts?
Cassandra (1:58:45 AM): but of course
Cassandra (1:58:52 AM): I thought that was implied xD
Cassandra (1:59:20 AM): I'll be lenient about the attractive bit, s'long has he's got great eyes
Cassandra (1:59:38 AM): and looks good in a kilt
Cassandra (1:59:46 AM): that's not too demanding, is it?
Cassandra (1:59:50 AM): ^_^
Maya (2:00:42 AM): hahahahaha
Maya (2:00:51 AM): i'll do my best ^^
Cassandra (2:01:04 AM): send me a pic before you kidnap him
Cassandra (2:01:18 AM): you and I sometimes differ in the 'attractive' department
Cassandra (2:01:20 AM): xD
Maya (2:01:30 AM): only with girls ^^
Cassandra (2:01:37 AM): hahahahahahahahahaha


Sunday, March 15, 2009


The Ides of March.


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Happy Pi Day!

I should be at Rocky Horror right now. But, you know.... don't care now. How I spent my evening was much nicer.

...Though I'm still pretty pissed about the 4-day passes to ComicCon being sold out. Meh.

Anyway, I think in honor of Pi Day, I'm going to watch some Pushing Daisies at some point. :D


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Why was this guy born?

Cassandra (1:27:04 AM): who invented essays?
Maya (1:27:41 AM): ooh, i actually read about this before
Maya (1:27:44 AM): lemme ee
Maya (1:27:46 AM): *see
Maya (1:28:32 AM): michel de montaigne
Maya (1:28:50 AM): its name comes from the french word essayer, which means to try
Cassandra (1:29:31 AM): frak him
Cassandra (1:29:35 AM): I hope he's in hell
Maya (1:31:20 AM): hahahaha


Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I think it's pretty easy to idealize people. Maybe even putting them up on a mental, moral, or emotional pedestal. I know I do it, maybe not to the extent of hero worship that happens sometimes, but I definitely idealize people more than I should, and more than I even realize sometimes.

So, when that view is contradicted in some way, I think it's necessary to be aware of that pedestal, and remove said person from it instead of burying oneself deeper into disillusion. Because this other person you are idealizing is only human, just like yourself. And it's really not fair to be idealizing people, because then you are not being fully honest in dealing with them, or yourself for that matter.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that when said contradiction happens, it's shocking, but also somewhat refreshing, at least to me. It puts a new spin on things, and I realize that I haven't been exactly fair in how I view them. And then comes the necessary, though difficult task of changing that perception to better fit reality.

Wish me luck.


Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Prose-Poem

(To be honest, the term used to confuse me. After finishing this, I'm rather enamored with the form.)

"Sunday Afternoon, 4:23 pm."

I drove to the beach by myself today, just to prove that I could, to see if the freedom I felt was really truth or fiction. Because, frankly, I'm getting sick of it dangling in my face, waiting, anticipation mirrored in a solitary breath til I could reach--but my fingers would only brush smoke, and I'd rock back on my knees and cry til I'm laughing.

I imagined what you would smell like, wondered if it would be anything like this, the scent of salt and sand and creatures living and thriving and rotting, all at once. Wondered if the touch of you on my face would be as warm and smooth as the breeze I breathed.

Wondered if the glare of reality would hurt like the sun on the waves, or harsher.


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