Saturday, January 31, 2009

A Decision

I have a decision to make. It's one of those ones that has a potentially huge impact on your life. I know I need to decide either way, and soon, but the trouble is, part of me doesn't want to. And it's hard to keep this part quiet sometimes. There are so many risks we can take in this life, but I'm not sure if I can take this one, even though I'll most probably be the better for it.


In other news, I got a car today. It's technically not mine, but I'll be the primary driver, so whatever. :)


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Post Secret

This website changed my life. (New secrets every Sunday!)


Friday, January 23, 2009

"January 23, 2009"

She died today
One year ago.

I remember.

I look back and
can't seem to find

But there she is--
and there--
in the quiet scrape of clouds
against sky,

In the blood that stains roses
running down my legs.

In the strength that I never fully knew
til it was too late.

Things were different then.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I should probably put more effort into thinking of titles for my poems...

she sings to me
and I cry
unsure of what to say
how to feel
wrapped up in their celestial dance
that flickers in shadows slapped
across my face

she sings to me
Siren of the uncharted night
and I crave her
the touch of her fingers on
my skin
since it's so easy to merely

she sings to me
burning in my mind
while I struggle to breathe
the line that separates
objectivity and

to no avail.


Monday, January 5, 2009


Courtesy of Monty.


It never talks back.
It never throws a fit if you don't pay attention to it.
It's always there for you.
It's always there to get you through hard times.
It sees you for who you are.
It doesn't care if you're a boring person.
It doesn't care if you're a crazy person.
It doesn't care about your looks.
It's the perfect friend.
You never have to worry about saying the right thing to it.
There's never any reason to get nervous around it.
It's as simple as selecting a song.
It's also the perfect way to express how you feel to someone you love.
It's the perfect way to take out your aggression on someone you hate.
It's the perfect way to learn how to say the right thing.
It's the perfect way to learn how to trust someone again.
It's the perfect way to learn how to love someone again.
It's the perfect conversation.
It's the perfect way to find someone who will always be there for you.
It's the perfect way to find someone who sees you for who you are.
It's the perfect way to find someone who doesn't care about your looks.
It's the perfect way to stop yourself from talking back.
It's been there for everyone since as far back as we can remember.
It's done all these things for me, and more.

And I intend to keep it alive.


Sunday, January 4, 2009

Regarding Commitment

I'm bored and listening to Christmas music, so I blog. Yes, I do question my sanity on a regular basis, in case you were wondering.

Anyway, of the myriad things I can write about right now (and that's not even counting the things I can't write about... >.>) I'm going to shed some light on my thoughts regarding the subject of commitment; more specifically, commitment in friendships. This was actually the topic we talked about this morning in bible study, believe it or not, though I'm presently reminded that my dear friend Morgan also posted about kinda the same thing last month.

So we're talking about commitment in friendships this morning, right? The scene is very much the same as it always is: the small room that is far too chilly, the lone table, and the five of us females sitting around it, two of whom I happen to be related to, another one the instructor. Of four students, I am the eldest (but not necessarily the wisest, heh heh). We go around the table, sharing our thoughts; I end up last. I sit and listen patiently, nodding along in agreement as the others list off things like being there for when your friend needs you (which is the one that kept popping up the most).

Finally, after a vain attempt at clearing my throat--remnants of a cold coupled with bonfire smoke from the night before--I begin: "I see commitment in a friendship, in any relationship, really, as making it work. Not bailing at the first sign of trouble."

And, to me, that's what it really comes down to. Of course there will be rough patches, but if you're committed to something, you try your hardest to stick with it and make it work. Maybe it's because I've never really been one to recognize a lost cause when I see one, but I think that's one of my new mottos: make it work. Because it's all about determination and action; without the action, your determination is worthless, and without determination, your action is meaningless.

Just something to think about. Thanks for reading.


Saturday, January 3, 2009

If you aren't already...

Please, please, please, PLEASE start watching Battlestar Galactica. Please. Do yourself the favor. Please. I finished Season Three a few hours ago, and my brain literally exploded into little bits that I'm still trying to pick up and piece back together again.



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